Newborn sleeping on a plane, representing flying with a baby.

The Best Strategy for Flying with a Baby

Flying with an infant isn’t as easy as it might seem, especially for new parents. It’s surely a blessing to be able to explore the world with your child for the first time, but not without a good strategy. There are a ton of problems and inconveniences that you will go through along the way, so it’s better to come prepared. In today’s blog post, we will go through our well-thought-out strategy for traveling with an infant.


Our Strategy for Travelling with a Baby:

To dodge every obstacle and have a smooth and memorable adventure when traveling with an infant, try to do the following:

Plan and Prepare:

These are the set of things you need to think about the minute your traveling plan is confirmed. Start with these, and work your way up from there.

Mother traveling with an infant on an airplane.

  • Have a Talk with Your Pediatrician: Before embarking on this journey, you should check with your pediatrician to see if your baby is fit to travel in the first place as flying and being in crowded airports can increase a newborn's risk of catching an infectious disease. Generally, before traveling with an infant, you should wait until they’re at least two or three months old. But, it’s always best to get the doctor’s approval first. Additionally, before flying with a baby, you should make sure that you have a copy of their medical record and their prescriptions if they have any, just in case of a medical emergency.

  • Book Baby-Friendly Everything: You’ll find this included in every “how to fly with a baby” guide out there. Going to places that aren’t baby-friendly is like you’re asking for the embarrassing uncomfortable conversations you’re going to have with the managers. It’s also not very fun to compensate for a very expensive item that your baby might break or spill things over. That’s why ,when traveling with an infant, it’s always best to aim for baby-friendly places because they are well-prepared for such incidents, their employees are used to working with children, and they will definitely have something to keep your baby entertained. For instance, baby-friendly hotels tend to offer spacious rooms that can accommodate all the baby gear and equipment you have with you and will provide you with cribs, high chairs, and babysitting services if needed.

  • Flight Booking: When flying with a baby, try to find a direct flight to save yourself and your baby the hell of layovers and having to travel for a very long time. It’s already exhausting for grownups, so imagine how it would be for babies. To avoid any misunderstandings or unwanted situations when traveling with an infant, check with the airline you’ve chosen to travel with about their policies regarding flying with newborns, and to make it more convenient for yourself and more comfortable for your baby, check if you can book a bassinet seat.

  • Let’s Get to Packing:

    When it comes to packing for traveling with an infant, it’s really up to you to decide what to pack depending on your baby’s individual needs. But, we are going to mention the four main elements you should focus on.

  • Diaper Bag: Get your diaper bag, think of how many diapers and baby wipes you’re going to need until you get to your destination and pack double the amount. It’s always better to pack more than you need when traveling with an infant to dodge running out of supplies when it’s much needed. Finally, never forget to pack some changing pads, diaper rash cream, burp cloths and bibs, and disposable bags for dirty diapers.

  • Essential Baby Gear: When travelling with a baby, make sure to pack a collapsible and practical stroller to use when you want to go out on long walks with your baby to show them around the place. Make sure that it has enough pockets or compartments to accommodate the baby's needs throughout your day out together. Additionally, don’t forget about taking a high chair with you if your baby is starting to eat solid foods. A baby car seat could be very useful as well, especially if you’re planning on driving a lot.

  • Feeding Supplies: First of all, let’s start with the milk. If your baby is bottle feeding, pack double the amount of formula you need, because you might not find the same brand or type in the country you’re going to. On the other hand, if you’re breastfeeding, it’s best to pack your favorite breast pump with you and to keep the already extracted breast milk in an insulated bag around some ice to prevent it from going bad during the flight. If your baby is eating solid foods, make sure to pack some snacks to keep them distracted because flying with a baby requires many entertainment and distraction methods to keep them calm.

  • Clothes and Accessories: When traveling with an infant, the first question you should ask yourself is “What’s the weather like where we’re going?” This question is so simple it could not occur to you, but it’s crucial so you can know what type of clothing your baby is going to need during this adventure. After you’re done clothes packing, include a nice blanket for nap times and added comfort, as well as an insect repellent to protect your baby against mosquito bites.

  • Entertainment and Comfort:

    As we mentioned earlier, flying with an infant requires a lot of entertainment and distractions to keep your baby calm throughout the entire flight, especially if it’s their first time. It could be an unsettling experience for them, so to turn it around, try bringing the following:

  • Toys, Books, and Other Goodies: Pack a few toys and books to keep your baby entertained until you reach your destination, but make sure you don’t bring any toys that make loud noises to avoid encouraging your baby to be loud as well. When traveling with an infant, these toys are essential to keep them soothed, entertained, and quiet.

  • Bring Their Favorite Stuff: Whether it’s a stuffed animal, a favorite blanket, or just a pacifier, bringing things your baby likes and is familiar with gives them a sense of security.

  • Comfort Items: When flying with a baby, keep your baby dressed in soft and comfy clothing to help keep them soothed and calm. Make sure your infant has a cozy place to sleep, whether it's on a bed offered by the lodging or in a portable crib or bassinet. In general, it’s better to keep your baby’s favorite portable crib with you just in case.

  • On-The-Go:

    When flying with a baby, there are a few general things you need to keep in mind while you’re on the road. Here are a few good examples:

  • Be Aware of Jetlags: Your baby could catch a jetlag just as bad as the one you get yourself as an adult. If it happens, it’s good to take your baby to a good pediatrician for professional and accurate advice on how to deal with it.

  • Be Flexible: Just like any other travel plan, traveling with an infant could really mess up your plan. When it happens, stay calm and flexible and be ready to adjust the plan according to your baby’s mood and needs. Keeping a calm approach makes the obstacles less impactful and increases your ability to deal with them wisely.

  • Stick to The Daily Routine: Flying with a baby could have many occurrences that might force you to change the plan, but no matter what happens, your baby’s daily routine should be the same. To reduce disturbances and to help your baby adjust to the new surroundings, make every effort to stick to their regular eating and sleeping routine.

  • How Kido Bebe can Help You on Your First Journey:

    At Kido Bebe, we strive to keep creating more comprehensive collections of high-quality baby products from reputable brands to provide your child with everything they need on their way to becoming big boys and girls. We didn’t forget about the super moms! We also have a wide range of mom essentials that make every mother’s life much easier and convenient.

    Whenever you have a travel plan with your kiddo, pay us a visit and take a look at our collections because they could be more helpful to you than you might think, especially if you’re a new parent. For the best experience of traveling with an infant, go take a closer look at our collections!



    Now, it’s time to go through some of the frequently asked questions by traveling parents.

    Mother and baby traveling on an airplane, highlighting traveling with an infant.

    When can Babies Travel?

    Many pediatricians advise against flying with an infant until they are at least three months old. Their immune system can grow as a result, increasing their resistance to illnesses. This applies to babies who are born healthy and without any further medical issues.

    How to Fly with a Toddler?

    As we’ve covered in this blog post, traveling with an infant requires almost military-grade planning and supply packing to let the flight go smoothly. If you’re looking for the short answer, it’s really just about mindful packing, baby-friendly bookings, and your own preferences since you know your baby more than anyone else. Depending on this knowledge, you can come up with the perfect strategy to keep your little one comfortable and safe until you reach your destination.

    Is there an Age Limit for Airlines?

    The oldest or youngest age to travel on an airline is not set in stone. Some carriers, however, may have age restrictions for specific types of travel, such as senior passages or unaccompanied minors. So, before traveling with an infant, it is best to inquire about the age and travel regulations of the specific airline you plan to travel with.


    In Conclusion:

    While traveling with an infant does seem a bit intimidating, it’s not impossible and it shouldn’t be the worst experience of your life, not if you come prepared. Mindful and wise planning and packing are what determine the quality of your first adventure with your little one. So for a better experience when traveling with an infant, stick to this guide, have some patience, and you should be fine!